Our Producst



Single User system with no access to the system source code. Limited Features.



Our Main system written in MS Access with 100% access to our source code.


Tribal SQL

Same proven LIMS written for SQL server and accessible by 10 – 25 workstations.


Tribal Oracle

Same proven LIMS written for Oracle and accessible by 25 – 100 workstations.


Tribal-ETS Posse

The Tribal-ETS (Evidence Tracking System) also known as Posse is a MS Access database system used to record, track, and report information on Criminal Evidence Case files. Evidence is gathered at a crime scene by the authorities and assigned to a case. This case information can be recorded in the field and uploaded to the system upon returning to the lab.


Tribal - LIMS/LDMS

Welcome to Tribal© Laboratory Data Management System, an interactive relational database management system written in Microsoft Access® (2000/XP/2007) . The Tribal Laboratory Data/Information Management System (LDMS) puts the power to organize, present, correct, develop, and report your laboratory data


Tribal-AFP (Applicant Fingerprint System)

In the last few years many agencies, private companies and associations have joined the ranks of law enforcement organizations to request background checks on individuals. Check out our Pricing & Accessory Section for a complete list of product costs. Also located in this section is a breakdown of all the accessories and associated supplies we offer for your convenience and reference. Tribal Software © 2011


Tribal Citrix

WEB solution using a Citrix server and unlimited site license through your/our site

Contact us today to learn more about Tribal Software products.


Call Us For Any inquiry

(307) 635-7066 or (307) 631-7337